Monday, November 26, 2007

My plan

Dear journal

How are you? Mr.Journal, it is pretty cold here you asked me about my plan, um...... well, you know what? I planned to go to an university in Seoul, Korea. Do you know the reason why I chose the way? Because, I want to be a member of NIS, which is Korean Intelligent group, and the NIS selects people who go any university in Seoul. Furthermore, it is very benefit to go to an university for me by more reasons. First of all, as I wrote, for being an NIS. Second, for rest of my life. I know the importants of knowledge. Therefore, I chose the way. It is quite simple and common way. The most of people would choose it, or it could be my opinion! Ha-ha-ha...... anyway ! I hope you got my idea well, and see you later.

My plan